Singing The Scriptures

Trying to memorize the holy scriptures can be difficult for many, so in an attempt to make it easy I’m starting to sing them. So far, only done John 6:47, John 3:17, 2 Peter 3:9 and 2 Peter 3:18, but I hope to continue to encourage others, as singing the verses have helped me to memorize them, and I’m sure it is joyful hearing to the Lord as we sing a joyful noise unto the Lord. I’ll add them as I complete them. I hope that they help you as they have helped me. Yes, and I know my voice is not Susan Boyle’s. I’ve not been blessed with the gift of singing.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praisePsalm 98:4

2 Peter 3:18


2 Peter 3:9


John 3:17


John 6:47
