the joseph communications exposed
Posted in False Teachings

EXPOSED – The Joseph Communications Warning

My comments in blue. I came across an advertisement for a book called Your Life After Death as part of a series called The Joseph Communications, which is worrying, as it states it is a best seller, so already thirty five thousand or more people have been influenced by the satanic…

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The book of Galatians
Posted in The Christian Life

The Book of Galatians Verse-by-Verse Bible Study

A fantastic verse-by-verse bible study on the Book of Galatians by pastor, Tom Cucuzza. Galatians 1:1-5 – Introduction [youtube] Galatians 1:6-9 – Things That Are Different Are Not the Same [youtube] Galatians 1:10-24 – The Joy That Came From Being Wrong [youtube] Galatians 2:1-5 – A Lesson…

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do works always follow salvation
Posted in Jesus Salvation

Do Works Always Follow Salvation?

An informative four and a half minute video by pastor, Tom Adams of the Good News Bible Church, explaining that serving the Lord does not always follow salvation. Works have absolutely nothing to do with salvation, but serving the Lord as we grow in His grace and walk in the…

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the salvation army teaches works salvation
Posted in False Teachings

The Front Loading Gospel False Teachings of The Salvation Army and Ecumenicism

My writing in blue. Click onto ‘about us’ on the Salvation Army website, and you will see a link to its ecumenical work. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ as your personal saviour, who took away your sins through his finished work on the cross, this should raise…

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Posted in False Teachings False Teaching Says You Need A Relationship with God or You Go to Hell

This actual link to this article entitled ‘Does Hell Exist’ cannot be found through a simple online search, as it is only available as a Google advertisement, but it clearly teaches a false gospel of works salvation. My writing in blue. Is Hell Real? The bible teaches that hell is…

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weeding by God
Posted in The Christian Life

The Daily Weeding by God in Walking in Fellowship With Him

I was walking to the local Post Office this afternoon, and I noticed a wall full of weeds. However, within those weeds were the daintiest of flowers growing amongst the weeds. What an image of beauty. This reminded me that as believers in Christ, we are being weeded by God…

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The Power of Prayer and Praying in the Will of God
Posted in Salvation The Christian Life

The Power of Prayer and Praying in the Will of God

I was going to entitle this piece, prayer and spiritual warfare, but since there is no such instance of the term ‘spiritual warfare’ in the bible, I’m focusing this post on the power of prayer, and praying in the will of God for souls. Quite often, we have heard the…

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ye shall know them by their fruits
Posted in Salvation

By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them

Ye is plural and addresses all people, while thou is singular. Modern Bible versions amend ye to you, so it sound singular, but the translators of the King James Bible correctly applied the words ye, you, and your to be plural (addressing all) and thee, thou, thy, and thine to…

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benny hinn
Posted in False Teachings

Beware of ‘Healing’ Ministries Like Benny Hinn

I’ve seen some videos of the stuff that goes on at Benny Hinn ‘healing’ events. Him touching or blowing on people, and they fall backwards. Is this biblical? When people had an encounter with the Lord, or an angel of the Lord, people fell on their face, not on their…

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Jesus Christ is not Religion
Posted in Jesus Salvation

Jesus Christ is Not Religion

Why is it that Jesus Christ and Christianity is often portrayed through the Roman Catholic Church on mainstream TV and in movies. Isn’t it always a ‘father’ wearing the standard dog collar who is portrayed as the Christian way, and it’s sending this message out that Catholicism is the right way,…

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