Every Instance of Repent in the Bible
This post is focused on every instance of repent in the Bible, and you will notice that the word is in bold. There are 108 instances of the word repent and I’ve put the Hebrew number beside the scripture on old testament scriptures, so that you can understand the scripture,…
The Gospel Coalition ‘Repenting of Sin’ Front Loading Gospel False Teaching
My responses in blue. On the ‘what is the gospel’ page, in the third paragraph, we come to: ‘it is received by faith as we repent of our sins and turn to Jesus. We confess him as Lord and bow to him joyfully. Repentance when it comes to salvation means…
Conformingtothetruth.com Works Salvation Gospel
Firstly, conformingtothetruth.com gives the gospel saying that God is Holy and just, and how we fail God in failing to fulfil the greatest commandment in Matthew 22:37-38. Then it is onto the character of God, who is just and righteous. Sin must be punished. Man is corrupt because sin indwells,…
Why We Need Christ
We have only a short time in to believe the truth, while we are here on earth. We can read our bibles, pray, fast, and do all kinds of wonderful religious works, and still be lost and on the broad path that Jesus warns about. 13 Enter ye in at…
Lies About God’s Love in Boy Erased
I watched Boy Erased yesterday, and these gay conversion places are abusive and I can see nothing about the love of Jesus Christ in them. I don’t agree that people are born homosexual, as God created the man, Adam, then woman in Eve from Adam’s rib. Two men together cannot…
When Ye Fail God – Get Back Up
As Christians, we all fail God. I know I do. Whether I’m not thinking the right thoughts, or I act upon those thoughts and flip out and hurt others, I am utterly in bondage to my sin nature. Now, some Christians say that we are no longer under sin because…
How to Grow in Grace
I watched this video How to Grow in Grace last night, by pastor Yankee Arnold, and it filled me with peace. We all need to grow in grace because there is a battle raging everyday between the spirit and the flesh. Reading the Holy Bible feeds the spirit, effective teaching…
Salvation Comes First Before Works
Jesus Christ said that whoever comes to Him He will in no wise cast out. 35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. 36 But I said unto you, That…
Saved by the Supernatural Grace of God Not of Human Works
We are living in an increasing time of a difficult proclaimed gospel that includes the looking to self. Self-righteous fruit inspectors state that we cannot only be saved by faith, but that we need to continue to work for salvation. Sorry, but a gospel proclaimed in such a way is not good…
Hate Filled Preachings Do Not Help The Lost Come to Christ
As born again believers, we are to bear fruits to Glory God. The Apostle Paul gives a description of these fruits of the spirit 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24 And they that are…