The ‘Feelings’ Spiritual Movement False Teaching of The Spirit Cafe
Just a simple look at the logo of Spirit Cafe Place of Encounter, clearly shows a serpent logo. This is a new age practice and nothing to do with the Holy Spirit of God, because it mentions not Jesus or the gospel of Christ anywhere on this site. 13 For such…
Sanctification and Christian Growth After Being Born Again into God’s Kingdom
We are justified by the work that Jesus Christ has done for us. The will of the Father is to believe on Him whom He sent. 28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? 29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This…
Living the Gospel False Teaching From The Church of Latter Day Saints
My comments in blue. Scriptures in bold. A website to avoid is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, as it teaches a false gospel of works salvation. It doesn’t even teach the Gospel of Christ, but states instead that you have to live the gospel. It states:…
The Front Loading Gospel False Teachings From
I came across this website, All About God, who add works to their gospel, prior to coming to Christ. They also focus on a corrupted New International Version (NIV) bible, which encourages works salvation. If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God…
Are You A Depressed Believer in Christ?
There will be varying views on depression when you become a believer in Jesus, but there is no point hiding away. I struggle. I’m depressed. What has truly been helping me, when I am in those depressed states is singing unto the lord. I like “He’s got the whole world…
The Daily Battle As a Christian in the Devil’s World
Nobody said it would be easy to become a believer in Jesus. The Holy Bible is rife with suffering. These prosperity preachers today who preach that when you give money to his or her particular ministry and God will bless you, are lying. What would Jesus do? Would Jesus hoard…
Feel Joyous In the Lord by Singing He’s Jesus
I’m not afraid, to call his name He’s my Lord….He’s Jesus When I feel weak, or even shame There’s the Lord… there’s Jesus Chorus: Jesus Lord you have all power, a rain of joy, a heavenly shower x 2 Love endures, Jesus died for us all He’s the Great Lord……..