Tag: 2 Peter 3:9
If You Believe “There is No God” God Calls You a Fool
Evolution is prevalent in our society today. It’s taught in schools and poor children are being indoctrinated into this antichrist thought mindset. I spoke with my step brother’s sister’s child, who is around twelve years, and when God was mentioned, he rolled his eyes and said “oh not him”. He…
5 Common Accursed Gospels Taught In The World Today
If you are a born again believer in Christ Jesus, then you have received the gift of the Holy Spirit, who indwells and leads you into all truth. This is discernment – right from wrong, truth from error, Spirit-filled vs antichrist messages. An unsaved person has not the gift of…
Rainbows Are Everywhere Today But What Does The Rainbow Stand For?
The rainbow is everywhere you look in the world today. It has come to stand for gay pride, and even Medium.com has adorned itself in the colours of the rainbow. It is with warning though, because the rainbow is a symbol of God, who is truth and light. The rainbow…
Every Instance of Repent and Its Hebrews and Greek Root Words in the Bible
This post is focused on every instance of repent in the Bible. There are hundreds of instances of the word repent, and thousands of other definitions of the same Hebrew or Greek root words, and I’ve put the Hebrew number beside the old testament scriptures, and the Greek number and…
Every Instance of Repent in the Bible
This post is focused on every instance of repent in the Bible, and you will notice that the word is in bold. There are 108 instances of the word repent and I’ve put the Hebrew number beside the scripture on old testament scriptures, so that you can understand the scripture,…